Today I'll show you how to prepare SONOFF S55FR Waterproof Wi-Fi Socket for Home Assistant under Tasmota environment. You may buy it on Banggood or Aliexpress, his price is abound 12$, so it's chip waterproof device in my opinion.
Preparing to flash
According to PCB variant which I received, flashing on-air (with tuya-convert software) is not possible any more. But don't worry. PCB was designed with all required PINs which are necessary to flash device with chip USB<->RS232 (TTL) converter:
Caution! ESP 8266/8285 don't like voltage higher than 3.6V. Your USB<>RS232 converter should work for 3.3V!
In case, there is no necessary to disassemble device... you may solder dupoints directly to empty pinout header.. just like that:
The finally, connect dupoints to USB2RS232 converter:
Wait wait... what about GPIO00 which is necessary to enable programming mode for ESP? Don't worry, you don't need to solder any more cable. Required signal is connected to switch placed on S55 case

The flashing process is very easy:
1. Download Tasmota image from (current version is 9.3.1)
2. Connect USB2RS232 to PC with pressed switch on S55 case (release it after a few seconds)
3. Flash ESP8285 by using command:
Code: Select all
python3 ./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dout 0x0 tasmota-9.3.1.bin
5. Connect to tasmota_xxxxx SSID, open web browser and go to address:
6. In configuration/Other section put to Template area:
Code: Select all
{"NAME":"Sonoff S55","GPIO":[17,255,0,255,255,0,0,0,21,56,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
Save, and wait for restart...
7. Optionally, prepare device for Home Assistant:
Click console and type command:
#Enable HA discovery
Code: Select all
SetOption19 1
Code: Select all
SetOption53 1
Code: Select all
PowerOnState 3
Have a nice socket